News: Kazookeylele v2 – Bohemian Rapsody

Here I am, using the Google machine to find as much ukulele-related information as is humanly possible.  Then, I see a link with the word Kazookeylele in it.  Kazookeylele?  What the deuce could that possibly be?  I'll tell you.  It's pure awesomeness.   According to the little bit of information I was able to gleam from Monkey Review, this is version 2 of the Kazookeylele.  I take it that means that version 1 is no longer in use?  Cause, I'll tell you right now.  I NEEDS IT! The charming pink-haired fellow performing on the Kazookeylele reminds me of a shorter, more charming version of Tiny Tim.  And, I think Tiny Tim was made of 100% charm, so that's saying a lot.  I wish this guy the best in everything he does!

“The Good the Bad the Ugly” performed by Ukulele Orchestra of GB

While it's a proven fact that all ukulele players are exceptionally charming and attractive, this video proves what I've always known deep in my heart.  We are also gifted with fantastic sense of humor.  The intro portion of "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly" by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Brittan is freaking hilarious!  Then they go on to completely nail this Ennio Morricone masterpiece.