So, I was randomly surfing Amazon to see if there were any new Ukuleles available when I found a "Luna Tattoo Pineapple 21 Inch Soprano Ukulele". Huh? After the Kala Pocket Ukulele snuck by me earlier today I was feeling a little disheartened to see this purty uke. Mainly because I hadn't really heard of Luna before. Dang. I must be losing my edge (assuming I ever had one, I guess). Take a look and see what I mean by purty:

According to the Amazon detail, this ukulele is made of Mahogany and the Polynesian Tattoo design on the body and fret markers was laser-etched on there. It's got Aquila Strings on there and triangle inlays. I mean, I'm a little surprised that it's only $69. It's freaking gorgeous! Also, if you are one of those giant Samoan guys who is covered in those rad tattoos, then think how great it will be to have a Uke that matches YOU! Heh. Ok, I can only dream that giant Samoan Tattooed guys are reading my blog. Some day, man... some day.