I honestly think that I'm not exaggerating. I do believe that this is the prettiest ukulele I have ever seen. The inlays are incredible! I was just wandering through eBay while I was drinking a cup of tea (I'm freaking still getting over this cold) when I see this MAKANI SURF TENOR UKULELE FULL KOA CUSTOM by Kazu Mori.

Reading the auction notes, this ukulele looks to be custom built by Kazu Mori. Apparently Kazu's father is a master builder himself. The wood is Koa and there are beautiful inlays all over this thing. Check out the surfer near the sound hole. Also, there are abalone fret markers and the neck is bound in ebony? Dang! Unless I hit the lottery, I'm going to have to live with just looking at the pictures. But, the pictures are so pretty that I might be able to live with that. Also, if I did own this thing I'd almost be afraid to touch it, let alone play it. It's like skateboarding on the roof of the Sistine Chapel or something.