MusicGuyMic sells loads of ukuleles on eBay. The guy knows his stuff. After watching Rawuke tear up his Tiki Fluke Ukulele the other day, I wanted to see more fun Fluke Ukulele designs. If you are looking for the funky or unusual ukulele, then chances are that Fluke has what you are looking for. The cool thing about MusicGuyMic though is that many of the Fluke Ukuleles he sells have been upgraded from plastic to a solid rosewood fretboard and bridge. So, if the price seems higher than you've seen one one of these Fluke Tye-Dye Concert Ukulele,
there's your explanation. Look at how rad this thing is!

Oh yeah, while you are here... might as well check out a video of a kid playing a Flaming Lips song on his Fluke Ukulele and harmonica. Boo-yah!