Ladies and Gentlemen! In this corner, weighing in at a meager $8.72, we have the Kratt SN5 Ukulele Pitchpipe:

And in this corner, weighing in at $12.99, the Intelli IMT500 Clip-on Chromatic Digital Tuner for Strings:

Wait? Seriously?! The digital tuner is less than $5 more than the pitch pipe? Is this some sort of crazy town? If so, please tell me how I can move in. Honestly, just reading reviews of the IMT 500 makes me want to buy it right now. People love this thing! The poor pitch pipe only has like 3 reviews and one of them was pretty bad. I was actually going to Amazon just now to buy a USB/DVI KVM switch (*cough* NERD *cough*) and it recommended the pitch pipe to me. So, I think to myself, "Hay! Self! You should buy that pitch pipe and then write about it on ukukleleguy, right?" And then I found the IMT 500. Now I want to punch the pitch pipe in the face for almost tricking me into purchasing it.
Although, I shouldn't be so mean. The pitch pipe doesn't take any batteries and so when Armageddon strikes are we are all living like cavemen, at least your ukulele will be in tune.
Or, maybe you already have perfect pitch and you don't need either of these things? If that's the case, I hate you.